5 ways to tell a mail is not from First Bank

A billion emails are sent on a daily basis. Unfortunately, scammers are taking advantage of that by coming from all angles with tricks to make us part with our hard earned money.

These scammers mostly send an email prompting the unsuspecting banker to do an update. But wait, such emails may not actually come from your bank?

Here are six ways to know whether those emails are legitimate and not actually a scam:

  1. FirstBank’s official email is FirstBank@firstbanknigeria.com. Double-click on sender’s email to be sure it is from FirstBank.
  2. In authorised mails, FirstBank will always address you by your full name.
  3. FirstBank will not send links/mails/letters requesting you to update your bank details.
  4. FirstBank will advise you to visit any branch in case you need to update your bank details.
  5. FirstBank will not ask you to reactivate your ATM card details online or ask for any personal detail via email.

FirstBank contact centre is: FIRSTCONTACT 0700FIRSTCONTACT (0700-34778-2668228), 01-4485500, 0708-062-5000

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