Telegram’s founder Pavel Durov has said a massive cyber attack on his messaging service originated…
Samsung unveils enormous 292-inch 8K TV (Sun)
Samsung has unveiled a ludicrously enormous 8K television that you probably don’t have a wall…
Mark Zuckerberg deepfake: Facebook refuses to bite bait (BBC)
Facebook has said it will not remove a manipulated video of its chief Mark Zuckerberg…
Huawei signs deal with Russian telecoms firm to develop 5G (BBC)
Huawei has signed a deal with Russian telecoms firm MTS to develop 5G technology in…
A brief history of Apple’s iTunes (BBC)
Apple has announced iTunes will be absorbed into its three new entertainment apps: Apple Music,…
Robot set to unveil its own art exhibition (Metro)
If you thought it was just manufacturing and administration jobs that could be taken by…
5G: EE launches UK’s next-generation mobile network (BBC)
EE has launched the UK’s first next-generation 5G mobile network, with a concert by rapper…
Virus-packed laptop sells as artwork for over $1.3m (Guardian)
For Chinese artist, Guo O Dong, the simple black Samsung laptop computer, loaded with six…
Huawei boss says the United States ‘underestimates’ his company (Metro)
Ren Zhengfei, the founder and CEO of Huawei, has played down the importance of Google’s…
Huawei’s use of Android restricted by Google (BBC)
Google has barred the world’s second biggest smartphone maker, Huawei, from some updates to the…