CORA holds BookTrek featuring Ego-Alowes

The Committee for Relevant Art (CORA) will be holding the second edition of its 2019 monthly BookTrek.

The organisers said in a statement that the event, which is in conjunction with Quintessence and will take place at the art gallery/bookshop/literary café in Parkview, Ikoyi, will feature book readings, discussions and light literary banter.

This edition will have author Jimanze Ego-Alowes reading his new book, The University-Media Complex: As Nigeria’s Foremost Amusement Centre.

Date for the session expected to be highly interactive is Saturday, May 18, 2019 and time is 2.30pm to 5pm.

“Ego-Alowes’ main thesis is that the trouble with Nigeria is not leadership, but the quality of its scholarship. It’s a fierce, 290-page challenge to Chinua Achebe’s 36 year old theory, which has become the Canon. In the book, he writes: Nigeria has no leadership problem. You simply cannot lead what you do not have. There is quite some rigour in his argument, which is why we think you should be at the event to enjoy the banter,” said the statement.

Expected at the event are famous publisher, book lover and philanthropist extraordinaire, Alhaji Abdullazizi Ude, and poet, radical thinker and Awoist of first order, Odia Ofeimum will be the Special Guests of Honour.

Quintessence is located in the first building on entrance into the Parkview Estate, which is off Gerard Road.

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