Four ways to stop people from stealing your Wi-Fi signal (Punch)

Is your Wi-Fi slower than usual or you are having trouble connecting? Well, it’s possible someone is somewhere around you and is connected to your Wi-Fi without your permission.

If you want this to stop so you can enjoy your Wi-Fi connectivity, the following steps will help you:

See what’s connected to your network

Many of today’s network routers feature companion mobile apps. These applications let you both monitor and control your network right from your phone. Check your router’s user manual to see if there’s an app for it. Products from many big players offer home network hardware that come with this ability.

Within the app, look for a menu called “connected devices” or something similar. You should see a list of devices currently connected to your Wi-Fi. Look through the list and take stock of what’s connected to your Wi-Fi.

If you see an active device that’s clearly not yours, like a Windows PC when you are only using a MacBook, or perhaps an unknown tablet or smartphone, that’s a tell-tale sign that someone else is using your Wi-Fi.

If your router is a few years old, it may not offer an app. Even so, you should be able to access a list of connected devices through your router’s web portal. Check your manual for access instructions. Read more

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