Gynaecological Disease Affecting Millions of Women: It took doctors 11 years to diagnose me of endometriosis – Olivia (Vanguard)

Severe pains during menstruation cycle affect a number of girls and women on monthly basis. For some, the pains may be normal but, in some cases, it could be more than a feeling of pains. According to experts, these symptoms, also known as dysmenorrhea, which interferes with daily activity, are associated with abdominal pain, cramping and lumbago. However, scientists have found that the most common cause of secondary dysmenorrhea is endometriosis; a hidden condition that can result to infertility and reduction in quality of life. It has been found that endometriosis, a gynaecological disease, affects millions of women globally. Sadly, many of these women suffer these unending pains ignorantly. Worse still, the cause and treatment of this condition has remained a challenge. Even women, who tried to seek treatment, end up being mismanaged or misunderstood by medical doctors due to their low or no knowledge of the diagnosis of endometriosis. Hundreds of these women face various challenges, including infertility. Some have kept away from work and social activities. Read more

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