Having sex reduces the chance of dying after a heart attack – Study (RioTimes)

A study carried out by the University College of London shows a correlation between sex and the probability of surviving longer after a heart attack.

If you have sex, you will be less likely to die from a heart attack. The statement sounds like an overt determination, but it is actually the outcome of a study on the risk of death following a heart attack.

Researchers at the University College in London have found that survivors of heart attacks leading sexually active lives are less likely to die in the next few decades than celibate survivors.

The study was conducted with a universe of 1,120 men and women who had suffered heart attacks up to the age of 65 and with a time interval of 22 years. During the duration of the study, says the “Mirror”, 524 study subjects died.

The investigation showed that when compared to people who did not have sex a single time in the year preceding the heart attack, those who had sex more than once a week were 27 per cent less likely to die within the duration of the study. Read more

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