How to get rid of scars: Amazing trick to eradicate these unpleasant marks naturally (Express)

SCARS are annoying marks on the skin that can make you feel concerned about your appearance. You could get rid of, or reduce, your scars by following these tips. Scars can appear on your body due to an injury, operation, or previous infection, among others. The NHS says they are a “natural part of the healing process” and will “fade and become paler over time”, although some will not disappear completely. You could get rid of your scars naturally by following this simple test, recommended by health expert in the US, Dr Josh Axe. He says that for some people scars are great “storytellers” and “conversation starters”, while for others they can be unsightly and “embarrassing”. “In fact, some scars can be life-changing and traumatic to manage on a daily basis”, he says. Read more

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