How to make money from stock market as a beginner (Independent)

There are various ways of investing money, and one of such ways is in stocks. But before embarking on buying or investing in stocks, you must be familiar with its rudiments.

Investing in the stock market and making money from it requires patience and thoroughness. It is not for a greedy person because the stock exchange market is sometimes unpredictable, and a lot of factors influence the performance of shares in the market. And that is why you need to be cautious when investing your money in stock.

Investing in the stock market is not like the buying and selling of physical goods that can take place at any time. That of the stock market business is different, as you cannot purchase stocks directly from the stock exchange without going through a broker.

A broker is legally authorised to deal in stocks on the floor of the stock exchange. So, any potential investor must engage a stock broker. No other person is allowed to trade on the floor of the Nigerian Stock Exchange except an authorised broker. So, you must engage a broker who buys and sells stocks for their respective clients. Read more

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