Mtv Shuga Naija Episode 8: Is a full roller coaster of emotions as it throws more light on pressing societal issues

Tobi finds Faa after Bada has forcefully had his way with her but refuses to help. Khalil however takes her to the hospital where she gets checked and is given some medication.

Hadiza returns is seen again after her disappearing act in episode 7. She goes to Yasmin’s house where she asks to stay because her father and husband won’t let her finish school should they find her.

A week after having unprotected sex with Tobi, Leila is afraid she might be pregnant and seeks help at the clinic. She eventually goes to Diana for advice after she finds no solution to her problem.

The episode, with all of its ‘heart in the mouth’ moments leaves us all impatient about the next one and with a question in mind: How much are you willing to sacrifice to get what you want?

Like Leila, will you give in to pressure to keep your relationship or will you take a stand like Hadiza to chase your dreams, or perhaps like Faa, will you take a bold step regardless of the cost?

Watch the full episode here


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