Police nab railway track vandal with 100 pieces of tracks

The Police Command in Kaduna State, said its operatives had arrested a suspect involved in the vandalism of railway tracks with 100 pieces of rail tracks.

The Command’s Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Mansir Hassan told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), on Saturday in Kaduna.

Hassan said the arrest took place following a credible intelligence report at about 1:30 hrs on May 20.

He added that the suspect, Naim Mikaila, a resident of Kajuru in Kaduna State, was found in possession of 100 pieces of railway tracks.

“During interrogation, Mikaila was unable to provide a satisfactory explanation for the possession of these items, leading to the suspicion that they were stolen property.

Hassan said the he Commissioner of Police Ali Dabigi urges all citizens to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities or miscreants to the police.

“The suspect will be charged to court soon to face the full weight of the law” Hassan said. (NAN)

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