Police sue for calm as Ondo youths protest ‘assault’ by EFCC operatives

The Ondo State Police Command has called for calm as youths stormed major roads in Akure, the Ondo State capital, to protest alleged brutality of the operatives of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

EFCC operatives had in the early hours of Saturday stormed two night clubs in Akure, arresting 127 youths they alleged to be internet fraudsters.

According to the protesters, EFCC operatives molested the youths, arrested some and damaged some properties.

The protesters, armed with placards to express their grievances, called for justice for their friends.

The Commissioner for Youths and Sports Development in Ondo State, Saka Ogunleye, appealed to the youths to calm down, saying the government would resolve the matter.

Meanwhile, in a statement posted on its official X handle, the EFCC noted that the 127 youths arrested during the operations were suspected internet fraudsters.

The commission insisted that the operatives neither brutalised anyone nor damaged any property during the operation. (Channels)

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