Pupils lament pains, long trek in search of knowledge (Guardian)

Some students living in Aboru but schooling at Ile-Epo. They daily navigate through this bushy path to get to school, which is a dangerous route during rainy season, as this canal gets flooded after any downpour. During such periods, they are trapped for hours on either side until the flood recedes.

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today, Malcolm X, the popular American Muslim minister and human rights activist once said. And in local parlance, the old saying rings true, that education is the best policy.

This explains why education as the bedrock of society, is given prominent attention by governments of the first world.

In Nigeria, funding of education has become an endless tussle between the government and unions/stakeholders in the education sector.

The resultant effect of the poor funding is the falling standard of the public school system across the country. Read more 

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