The Flame Tree Writers’ Project makes call for applications

Emerging writers from Northern Nigeria are being invited to apply for a unique opportunity to develop their craft and engage with critical social issues. The Flame Tree Writers’ Project, an initiative aimed at fostering creative writing as a tool for social change, is calling for applications for its Northern Nigeria edition. The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2024.

According to the organisers, the project seeks to empower young writers from the 19 Northern States of Nigeria by providing them with the skills and platform to explore contemporary social realities and envision a more democratic, peaceful and equitable future. Successful applicants will participate in a five-day workshop in Abuja from June 24 to June 28, 2024. During the workshop, they will receive guidance from renowned authors Abubakar Adam Ibrahim and Chika Unigwe, both winners of the prestigious NLNG Nigeria Prize for Literature.

Participants will engage in intensive writing sessions, focusing on crafting short stories suitable for an anthology highlighting the diverse voices of Northern Nigeria. The workshop will also cover the publishing landscape, helping writers navigate the paths to getting their work published.

To ensure inclusivity, the project will cover all travel, catering and accommodation expenses for the participants. The organisers emphasise a balanced representation of gender, geography, and identity among the selected writers, with a strong encouragement for female writers to apply.

Eligibility Criteria:

– Writers aged 18-35 from the 19 Northern States of Nigeria.

– Applicants should not have published a full-length work of fiction but can include links to previously published shorter pieces.

– Commitment to attend the full workshop duration.

Application Requirements:

– Full Name, Date of Birth, and State of Origin.

– A 100-word bio.

– A 100-word motivation statement.

– A 1000-word prose fiction writing sample.

– A copy of a valid national ID.

Applications should be submitted as a single PDF document to by June 1, 2024.

About the Organizers:

The workshop is spearheaded by Abubakar Adam Ibrahim, author of Season of Crimson Blossoms, and Chika Unigwe, author of On Black Sisters’ Street. The project is supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, which promotes the writing culture of its namesake, Heinrich Böll, as a means of political expression and social dialogue.

This initiative represents a significant step in nurturing the literary talents of Northern Nigeria and amplifying voices that can contribute to social progress and justice in the region. 

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