Buying already peeled oranges is now a taboo as far as I am concerned. Why? Read my story.
You know how when you’re in traffic, you see everything outside your window? That’s how my eyes started roaming o. I shouldn’t have looked I swear. This guy selling oranges was peeling the oranges in that fast magical way they do it (magic because the time I tried it, I peeled my hands too).
Ahn ahn, I wanted to look away, but my eyes couldn’t. Guy must have been carrying a loaded bladder because he pissed for a long time. That’s how bros finished, did that shaking thing guys do (don’t ask me how I know, you people should stop pissing along the road), put his thing back and grabbed the orange.
My mind screamed no!!!
In that instant I remembered all the peeled oranges I had ever eaten. Let’s just say I haven’t been able to buy oranges since then. I have been traumatised.