Tinubu seeks stronger US-Nigeria collaboration on cybercrime and terrorism

President Bola Tinubu has called for stronger collaboration between Nigeria’s law enforcement agencies and the United States’ Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in order to bolster Nigeria’s fight against cybercrime and terrorism. 

The appeal was made during a high-profile meeting at the State House in Abuja, where President Tinubu hosted FBI Director Christopher Asher Wray.

The meeting, according to a statement by Special Adviser to the President (Media & Publicity), Ajuri Ngelale, was attended by top security officials, including National Security Adviser Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, Inspector-General of Police Kayode Egbetokun, DSS Director-General Yusuf Magaji Bichi and a host of others, reflecting the administration’s commitment to combating various forms of crime.

Emphasising the importance of international cooperation, President Tinubu said that the presence of the FBI Director underscored the significant partnership between Nigeria and the United States. He stressed that such collaboration is crucial for eliminating crimes that transcend national borders.

“Our fight against terrorism, cybercrimes, and related offences requires robust partnerships,” President Tinubu stated. “As the Chairman of ECOWAS, we are extending this collaborative spirit to other West African nations to tackle economic and criminal challenges collectively.”

Tinubu underscored his administration’s prioritisation of education as a strategic tool to combat poverty and reduce crime. He also called for the United States to assist developing nations with advanced technology and knowledge transfer to effectively address complex international crimes.

Director Wray commended Nigeria’s efforts and affirmed the FBI’s commitment to enhancing their partnership. He acknowledged President Tinubu’s vision in countering regional terrorism and supporting initiatives to combat cyber-enabled crimes and sextortion, which have had severe repercussions in both countries.

“We value the President’s vision and the re-engineering of the Office of the NSA to effectively coordinate counter-terrorism efforts,” Wray remarked. “Our relationship with Nigeria is crucial, and we are committed to supporting joint investigations, intelligence sharing, and counter-terrorism operations.”

This meeting marks a pivotal step in reinforcing the cooperative efforts between Nigeria and the United States, aiming to create a more secure environment for citizens and effectively combat the evolving landscape of global crime.

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