Ukraine has no chance to win without direct participation of NATO troops – Orban

(Budapeste - Hungria, 17/02/2022) Presidente da República Jair Bolsonaro cumprimenta o Primeiro-Ministro da Hungria, Viktor Mihály Orbán..Foto: Alan Santos/PR

Ukraine has no chance of winning in the conflict without the direct participation of NATO troops, so all parties need to argue in favour of peace negotiations, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Tuesday.

“My position is that, looking at the reality, looking at the figures, looking at the surroundings, looking at the fact that NATO is not ready to send troops.

“It is obvious that there is no victory for the poor Ukrainians on the battlefields.

“Instead of having a stronger involvement in the war, escalation should be stopped, and we should argue in favour of peace and negotiations,” Orban said.

Orban spoke at the Qatar Economic Forum. (Sputnik/NAN)

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