Why are we so mean on Social Media? – Sisi Lucia

The reality TV show, BB Naija season 3 has finally ended. I followed the show, basically, via social media and it was a funny experience, because by the time I finally saw the show on TV I knew who was Nina, Cee C and Alex.

There are many other things that happen in reality that we don’t get to see, so social media helps to amplify what is going on in places we have never even heard of.

Remember when Lagos state decided to pay influencers to tell us that Lagos is clean? People responded by sharing pictures of refuse heaps around Lagos using social media.

Social media has been a very useful tool in shining light on so many issues that people would not have believed otherwise.

However, have you visited Instablog, Linda Ikej, or any popular page on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter? The comment sections of those pages make me cringe. I just want to ask what the problem is, is this how we are as a people? Why are we so uncouth and vile?

After Big Brother Naija, the Nigerian mob came out for some of the housemates, I think Nina and Alex. I do not know what they did in the house but the comments were so horrible! People attacked them as though whatever it was they did in the house was their personal problem.

It is even worse when it is a controversial issue about religion, feminism or homophobia. People come out and show the ugliest aspects of themselves. We curse each other, throw insults, say silly things, make threats, then we all go home, until there is another controversial issue.

Does this say something about us as a people? Is that we don’t think of issues critically before responding? Or why is our reaction to people’s opinion or personal choices to throw insults, call them vile names or threaten to kill them?

I remember once when I wrote about the new trend of some Catholic Parishes who focus more on offering collection than the spiritual welfare of the church and the mob came out for me; I was too sacred to go to church for about a month. People even called my family members. Only a handful of people actually cared about the topic I raised.

Why can’t we even disagree, or have debates about an issue where everybody brings his point to the table, we debate, agree or disagree and we move on?

I am really worried about this trend. It shows a deeper problem about us as a people. The crazy part of this is that when an elderly person, or an authority on a subject posts something controversial instead of people to disagree, or ignore it, we also throw insults and call them names.

It began like a joke, it was called “clap back,” or we win tweet wars with other countries by throwing the best insults, now look at us!

Have you ever visited Instablog?

Please pay that page a visit and read comments from any random post. It is frightening how low people can go to say vile things to other people. Check out other popular pages, too.

I know there are no repercussions for this but we shouldn’t behave like normal human beings because there will be punishments.

Please whenever you are about to insult someone on social media think again, is that how you want to be addressed? Would you want your loved ones to see you acting like an animal on social media? Will you be ashamed if your comments or tweets are displayed in your church or other social gathering? Will you be proud of what you are saying to other people in the future?

Think carefully, remember that you do not have to respond to everything on social media.

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