2 five-metre long snakes crash through a couple’s ceiling (DailyMail)

by Editor2
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Two giant pythons caught up in the heat of the moment have broken through a ceiling in a couple’s home – and a snake catcher has warned it is far from unusual.

Matt Hagan from Cairns Snake Catcher was called on Friday after a couple noticed the serpents, with a combined weight of nearly 40kg, were starting to crack the ceiling.

Mr. Hagan arrived at the property south of Cairns in White Rock where he discovered the two five-metre scrub pythons.

The veteran snake catcher said it was not uncommon to find snakes in roof spaces and that retrieving them can be quite tricky.

“I had two options, one option I had was to use a five metre ladder and climb in but I decided not to do that as it is a bit dangerous,” he said.

Mr. Hagan decided to remove some of the roofing to gain access, but the already cracking ceiling finally gave-way under pressure.

“Once they fell through and landed in their office all hell broke loose,” he said.

“I had to get down there and subdue two snakes in very quick succession.”

Mr. Hagan said calls like this are far from unusual during the breeding season that lasts from July to late September.

“Breeding season is off with a BANG….in the roof,” he said on Facebook. Read more

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