PJ in da house!

Dear Mr Man, be very sure Madam is ‘agreeing’ to your plans o

Who’s in charge of deciding number of children? I went visiting my friend and came…

‘Visa on Arrival’: What happens when we taste power

I didn’t just happen upon the comedy show, Visa on Arrival. My sister introduced it…

A tale of compassion and struggle

I heard a story that made me tear up. I was talking to a friend…

My sister, that baba can’t give you a child o

Pata cake pata cake, bake me a bread Pastor, pastor make me a baby… Having…

Child Victim Blaming: Unmasking the disturbing reality

I am not sure I will ever understand why child victims of sexual assault are…

Our culture of silence is plain nasty

We have a nasty culture around here; the kind that stifles the truth; the kind…

Why are our boys wearing “plaited” hair o?

The times, they are changing Or maybe we are simply going round in circles as…

It’s not body shaming, it’s avoiding being a statistic!

I saw a video on WhatsApp, a skit, really. A young lady in risqué attire…

Maybe we shouldn’t blame women who sleep with pastors

Some pastors are from hell, that’s why they will never make heaven. Do you recall…

Can men truly forgive anything but cheating?

So I came across this post on X, diary of a naijagirl. Poster narrated a…

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