20 years after surviving Columbine shooting, sisters preparing to run Boston Marathon (kdvt.com)

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Sisters Sarah Bush and Laura Hall remember exactly where they were on April 20, 1999.

Survivors of the Columbine shooting, the sisters are preparing to run the Boston Marathon together.

Sarah Hall, a 16-year-old sophomore, was taking a test in math class. Laura Bush, a 14-year-old freshman, was eating lunch in the school’s lunchroom.

“It was probably a few minutes into the period, and we heard an explosion. And at that point, Coach Ortiz, our baseball coach, ran through to each room and told everybody we need to get out,” Bush said.

Bush was able to escape through the front door with her sister, taking shelter with dozens of others in the school’s choir room.

“We ended up with 30 or 40 other students, barricading ourselves in the choir office. And we were locked in there for four to 4 1/2 hours before we rescued by the SWAT team,” Hall said. Read more

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