Rain written by Biyi Bandele will hit the stage at Terra Kulture’s Theatre Arena, Victoria Island, Lagos, on Sunday, August 25, 2019. A production of Park Theatre Lagos in conjunction with Theatre@Terra, the play is about two crazy street sweepers who tell each other tall stories that reflect their warped state of mind, made up of and by the state of the nation. There will be two shows, the first at 3 pm and the second at 7 pm.
The production company said the thrilling play, which won the International Students Play Script Competition in 1989, is directed by multiple-award-winning thespian, Toyin Oshinaike.
The performance of Rain, Park Theatre Lagos stated, is intended to arouse adequate response to the mutual issues of rain floods and the attendant mental state of its victims.
Rain features Toritseju Ejoh and Timi Charles Fadipe and is a joint production of Park Theatre Lagos and Terra Kulture, supported by Freedom Park Lagos, ONESiX Productions, Oxzygen Koncepts, Ynaija, Happenings Media, Shimmers Services, Infobuddie, Crown Troupe of Africa, Pinefield Schools, and TCF Football Academy.