A new material developed by scientists could give a significant boost to a new generation…
Why people can’t have the sex dolls they want yet (RT)
A new generation of hyper-realistic sex dolls is currently under development, a leading manufacturer of…
Want to cut down on plastic pollution? Eat your bowl (CNN)
Food packaging is filling up landfills and polluting our oceans, where materials like plastic and…
World Wide Web creator wants ‘Contract for the Web,’ (RT)
Internet pioneer Tim Berners-Lee has unveiled a nine-point plan to “save the internet.” Cooked up…
Tech experts unveil new AI design method (RT)
The prospect of rapidly-developing thinking machines conjures up images of Terminator bots or Black Mirror…
Apple Watch saved a grandma’s life by catching heart condition (Vanguard)
A Queens grandmother is crediting her smartwatch for saving her life. Marie Bourque, 74, woke…
Google to restrict political adverts worldwide (BBC)
Google will no longer allow political campaigns to target advertising at people based on their…
Nigeria emerges first in Africa Netprenure competition (ThisDay)
A team of young entrepreneurs from Nigeria has emerged first in the just concluded Netprenure…
Nigeria’s tech community launches a campaign against alleged police harassment (CNN)
The tech community in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, is fighting back against what its…
Pornhub owners ‘profit from revenge porn’ (BBC)
The owners of porn streaming site Pornhub are profiting from “revenge porn” and failing to…