Cybercrime victims lose £34.6m in six months (IrishTimes)

by Editor2
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People falling prey to cybercrime have reported losing £34.6 million, the latest numbers from Action Fraud show.

Hacking of social media and email accounts continues to be the most prolific means of scamming people online, contributing to more than 5,000 cases out of the 13,357 cybercrimes reported in the six months between April and September 2018. It is estimated such hacking has cost victims £14.8 million.

According to City of London Police, the national lead force for fraud which runs Action Fraud, the cost of cybercrime to the public has rocketed since the previous six months, when the total stood at £28 million.

“Cybercrime is a growing trend with the total losses increasing by 24%,” said Commander Karen Baxter of City of London Police…” Read more

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