Every day can be a new year — Gbubemi Atimomo

Reflections on the year gone by as I prepare for the New Year

Happy New Year!!! Everywhere I turn, someone is either sending me New Year greetings or reminding me that the year ahead is a year of something or the other, eg: “my year of prosperity”. 

I’m one of those people who keep wishing others “A Happy New Year” for as long as possible. As far as I’m concerned, I will share New Year wishes the first time I see you in the new year even if it’s in December of that year. It’s just something I’ve done for so long that I don’t even think about any more. 

I understand the concept of a New Year, however since nothing physically groundbreaking appears to happen in the atmosphere to prove that one year has ended and another has begun, I tend to believe that a New Year can be any day one chooses it to be. This makes it easier to aspire for personal change as the pressure to reset one’s life every first of January is real. Many more people need to understand that they can reset their lives whenever they choose to though.

2023 was a tough year for most people with challenges left, right, and centre, many still haven’t recovered. And just when one thought they’d caught a break, something else would happen to make one question their very essence and existence. A new government came in, bringing changes in parts of the economy that somewhat affected the earning power of many citizens. From constantly increasing fuel prices which had commensurate effects on transportation, feeding, and overall livelihood to the rising dollar to naira foreign exchange rate that has also affected many aspects of life, it just seemed like the layman would never catch a break.

In all of this, while reflecting on “New Year New Me”, I started thinking about some of the things I’d learnt or rediscovered in 2023. I believe very strongly that making any life changes involves understanding past actions/ events/ results to better prepare for different, hopefully much better outcomes. Here are the things I’ve learnt in no particular order (both from my experience and those of others I’ve observed):

What did 2023 teach you? What are you doing differently? It’s important to know where you’re coming from as you proceed towards where you’re going. Don’t wait for a special day, make today your special day. As always, this is the way I see things today.

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