German FA boss rejects Ozil racism charge, but admits mistake (Channelnewsasia)

by Editor3
24 views 1 minutes read 28.06.2018, Hessen, Frankfurt am Main: Reinhard Grindel, DFB-Präsident, spricht bei einem Presse-Statement im VIP-Bereich des Flughafens Frankfurt. (zu dpa ««Jeden Stein umdrehen» - Deutsche Nachwuchsarbeit auf dem Prüfstand» vom 11.07.2018) Foto: Andreas Arnold/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

The chief of the German Football Association (DFB) on Thursday (Jul 26) rejected accusations of racism by Mesut Ozil, but admitted he should have done more to protect the midfielder against discriminatory abuse.

In a four-page statement announcing his decision to quit playing football for Germany on Sunday, Ozil singled out football federation (DFB) boss Reinhard Grindel with harsh words.

“In the eyes of Grindel and his supporters, I am German when we win, but I am an immigrant when we lose,” Ozil, who has Turkish roots, wrote Sunday in his lengthy farewell statement that unleashed a racism storm in Germany.

But Grindel rejected the charge four days on and has not yielded to calls for him to quit. “I say this openly that the personal criticism has affected me,” he said. Read more

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