Goethe-Institut hosts interactive games and politics exhibition, workshop

by Editor2
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Goethe-Institut Nigeria will be hosting the interactive exhibition with the theme: ‘Games and Politics’.

The exhibition, according to a statement by the German cultural organisation, will showcase the latest developments in the field of computer games – the most popular kinds of the digital revolution, including the so-called Impact Games, Serious games and news games.

“The effects of globalisation as well as other real-world references are further reflected significantly in computer games: they address inter alia the Syria conflict, the use of drones in war zones and global economic contexts of the globalised financial market.

“Whether computer games are seen as a political issue, as an entertainment medium or – even – as art, is dependent on the context in which they are viewed. Every game positions itself in a society and simultaneously isolates society as the central issue in focus. Political relevance can therefore be attached to all computer games, even if they seem to evade any political action,” said the statement.

It goes on to explain that this holds true even in these games as the players issue directions but, in turn, have to play by the rules of the game in order to be able to play at all.

Adding that at the other end of this spectrum are games which are consciously used for the purposes of political education or propaganda, the statement concludes that this unfolding of computer games‘ political potential is explored in the touring exhibition Games and Politics.

The exhibition, which is in collaboration with the ZKM/Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, will take place at Goethe-Institut Nigeria, City Hall, Lagos Island between April 23 and May 15, 2019.

It will be accompanied by a supporting programme, which is the VR and 360°-video Journalism Workshop organised by Goethe-Institut Nigeria for which application is still open.

The VR-storytelling workshop is for practicing and aspiring journalists and 10 to 12 participants will be selected for the 3-day workshop, which will take place in Lagos from May 13 to 15, 2019.

To be taught in English Language journalists working in print or electronic media are eligible. However, interested persons must have at least two years’ relevant experience covering politics and similar news items.

Participants, who must not be younger than 20 years, are expected to be open to this new medium, be willing to experiment and be ready to work with others in groups.

Application details are available at https://www.goethe.de/ins/ng/en/kul/sup/gap/agp.html

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