Harry Potter books burned by Polish priests alarmed by magic (BBC)

Catholic priests in northern Poland have burned books they consider to be sacrilegious, including ones from the Harry Potter boy wizard series.

An evangelical group, the SMS from Heaven Foundation, published pictures of the burning – which took place in the city of Koszalin – on Facebook.

They also show an elephant figurine and a tribal mask burning on the book pile.

The Facebook post justifies the bonfire with Bible quotes condemning magic. The group sends Christian messages via SMS.

“We obey the Word,” the post says (in Polish).

A passage from Acts, quoted in the group’s post, says “many of those who had practiced magic collected their books and burned them in front of everyone. So they calculated their value and found it to be fifty thousand pieces of silver”.

Another passage, from Deuteronomy, says: “Burn the images of their gods. Don’t desire the silver or the gold that is on them and take it for yourself, or you will be trapped by it. That is detestable to the Lord your God.” Read more

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