How people who live in tiny houses are coping during quarantine

by Editor2
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Feeling claustrophobic during quarantine? Spare a thought for those living in spaces not much bigger than your living room. No we’re not just talking about people who live in regular houses or flats, but those who are part of the ‘tiny-house movement’ – an architectural and social movement that advocates living simply in a teeny home.

Many of those living in these tiny houses have chosen to do so for a simpler and happier life. But now, with the UK forced to stay inside their four walls for the foreseeable future, we asked tiny house residents how they are coping with lockdown life in such small spaces.

Laura Snellgrove started building her tiny house with her partner Christian in July 2019. The pair moved into the shell of the house in November and worked at weekends to finish it. (Text and photo courtesy Metro)

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