‘I am happy that the glass ceiling is shattered’ (BBC)

by Editor2
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The new head of Ethiopia’s supreme court told the BBC’s Focus on Africa programme that she wants to ensure that the country has an independent judiciary.

Earlier on Thursday Meaza Ashenafi, a prominent human rights lawyer, was elected as the first woman to head the country’s top court.

She said:

Quote Message: This is an honour and a distinct privilege. This kind of offer does not come every day and this is a new chapter in our country as we go through a transformation.

This is an honour and a distinct privilege. This kind of offer does not come every day and this is a new chapter in our country as we go through a transformation.

Quote Message: It will be a privilege if I am able to contribute to the independence of our judiciary… [and] the government is ready to ensure that I get all the support I need to build an independent judiciary.”

It will be a privilege if I am able to contribute to the independence of our judiciary… [and] the government is ready to ensure that I get all the support I need to build an independent judiciary.”

The legal system in Ethiopia has in the past been criticised as being a tool of government power.

On her becoming the first woman to hold the job, as well as the other recent promotion of women, Ms Meaza said:

Quote Message: I am so happy that the glass ceiling is shattered and my daughters can dream of becoming anyone they want to be in Ethiopia.”

I am so happy that the glass ceiling is shattered and my daughters can dream of becoming anyone they want to be in Ethiopia.”

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