James Cameron confirms “Avatar 2” has finished shooting

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James Cameron has revealed that filming has been completed on Avatar 2, and the team have had a massive head start on Avatar 3, too. 

Avatar 2 was one of many movies which faced delays due to the coronavirus pandemic, but the director confirmed in an interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger, that they had more than caught up. 

He revealed: ‘Covid hit us like it hit everybody… We lost about four and a half months of production.  ‘As a result of that, we’ve rolled around one more full year for a release in December of 2022. That’s been announced already. 

‘Now that doesn’t mean I have an extra year to finish the film, because the day we deliver Avatar 2 we’ll just start working on finishing Avatar 3,’ he said in the video conference for the 2020 Austrian World Summit environmental conference. (Metro)

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