#LABAF2019: Day 2 @Freedom Park

by Editor2
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Day 2 features several events, including:

9am: CYCC@LABAF @FP Lawn

Creative workshops and expressions continue

Mentoring by notable creative artists

10am: DEMAS NWOKO SYMPOSIUM @ Kongiโ€™s Harvest

The Demas Nwoko Symposium

A 2-day symposium on the application of critical design and technology in practice and through education.

(Curated by Ayo Arigbabu for the New Culture Design Collective, Lagos)

2pm: BOOK PRESENTATION @Kongiโ€™s Harvest Arts Gallery

Presenting the book, Victor Ekpuk: Connecting Lines Across Space and Time

(Ed. Toyin Falola, Phd.)ย  The book captures the full essence of Ekpukโ€™s work as an artist of global reputation, โ€œa master of mysterious scripts, and ancient signs and symbols. His messages, en-crypted in symbols and signs inspired by nsibidi, find expression in paintings, illustrations, car-toons and murals.

Presentation to be followed by a conversation featuring the artist and a few other art historians and curators.

Guest of Honour: Omooba YemIsi Shyllon, art patron/collector, founder of OYASAF

3pm: ART SEMINAR@ Estherโ€™s Revenge

(Dedicated to Jerry Buhari@60 & Kunle Adeyemi@60)

Theme: Thirty Years of The Boom Dedicated to Jerry Buhari @ 60 & Kunle Adeyemi @ 60)

Session followed by Performance Art by

5pm; EXHIBITION OPENING; @Museum Building

Art Exhibition opening:ย  AND THE CENTRE REFUSES TO HOLD: Homage to Things Fall Apart @ 60

A celebration of post-coloniality in Africa, with Things Fall Apart as the centralising spin-off, the exhibition is an eclectic collection including drawing, paintings in various media and technique, sculptures, installations and mixed media.

(Curated by Krydz Ikwuemesi for the Pan Africa Press & Sankofa Centre for Art and Heritage)

6pm: JOY OF READING @ Kongiโ€™s Harvest

Readersโ€™ Parliament: Theme: Whatโ€™s Reading all About

A gathering of writers and book lovers on the importance of Reading — in homage to the written word.


(Coordinated by POETS IN NIGERIA).

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