Like 2Face’s mother, I also appealed to one girl to let go of my son!

by Editor2
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Only a mother, I mean a woman who had laboured over a child can understand, empathise with 2Face’s mother and support 2Face’s mother. I have said it and I stand by it! 

After watching Mama 2Face’s Instagram video, where she pleaded with Natasha to leave her son alone, I completely understood her. 

Everyone is clamouring for Mama 2Face to stay quiet. They are hurling insults at her, calling her names. 

You see, I read the comments and just shook my head, awon werey. It’s because 2Face is not their son that they are cursing his mother. And by the way, I have a daughter too, so it’s not as if I’m biased because I have a son. I’m about to share my story. 

Look at me well. I am beating my breasts again and telling you that I did the same thing to save the son I labored over. I bared my breasts and showed the girl that as long as he had nursed from these, he would listen to me. 

Yes, I know hers are still firm and bouncy, but a mother’s milk gives life, and if she had been the wife he chose, I would have respected that. But she wasn’t. 

Like Mama 2Face, I have a son who, like 2Face, was a magnet for girls. You know. My son is handsome and, as our people say, has love for the flesh. Even from when he was a little boy, people would carry him, buy him gifts…the boy was fine. I am grateful to God for him. 

My son isn’t just handsome; he’s also kind-hearted. He has a giving nature and doesn’t quite grasp that people can have ill intentions. 

So, there was this girl who got pregnant by him while he was still at university. I was deeply disappointed in him. But he is my son; would I disown him or cut him off? I scolded him, and expressed my disappointment, but also made plans for the girl and her parents to care for the child. After all, the child didn’t ask to be born, and ultimately, the child is our own! 

As a mother who has sacrificed everything—sleepless nights, prayers, and fasting to ensure my children’s success, especially as a widow—I sold my wrappers, gold, plates, and geles to ensure my children completed their education. In sickness and in health, I was always there to cheer them on. 

Surely, this qualifies me to have a say in my son’s life! 

Now listen, o. 

When my son started working, he was earning a little money. I advised him to start saving a bit, as you don’t spend with all ten fingers. He heeded my advice and saved. After a few years, he got involved with a girl. 

Then, another one showed up. 

Before I knew it, I saw young girls practically fighting over him! 

Ha, this is not how a young man should live. Why have so many girls constantly at war over you? Why? 

Settle for one and let the others find another man. 

I didn’t know what he was telling the girls. One day, they’d be gone, and the next day, there would be another set… 

Haaa. I told my son he was playing with fire! 

As a woman and a mother, I pulled his ears hard! 

He finally settled for one and told me after this one, no more. But by then, we had four children, from four women! 

Uh huh! I am telling you what this boy has caused me. 

But as a mother, I cannot throw him away. I would scold him, tell him not to talk to me again, but after some time, a mother cannot cast away her young for long, so I would take him as my son again. 

Things were going well with the girl he finally had a traditional wedding with. I cannot name her because some people would know her. 

This girl was not who I would have chosen for my son to marry, but who am I to choose for him or to agree or disagree? 

I thought my son had grown up until I heard from his wife that he was seeing another girl again! 

Will this boy not learn? 

At first, I told myself, there’s little you can do for this one; he is no longer a boy, he is a man with many children. But you see, I am a mother, not another girlfriend or friend or outsider. I could not remain silent. 

When his wife and some of our family members started showing us different photos and videos of him with this girl and the things they were engaging in, I had to find the girl and beg her to leave my son alone. Because from what I saw, he did not appear to be in his right mind. 

There were videos that I couldn’t watch as a mother. My son was seen in one video doing a blood oath with this girl. 

Why do a blood oath? She knows he wouldn’t stay long with her, that’s why. But why do this instead of looking for another man who doesn’t have all the baggage my son carries already? 

These blood oaths can turn nasty. As an elder, I know. It often goes beyond just swearing, exchanging blood, and covenants. 

For someone who has been unable to remain in a relationship, I knew my son would soon tire of her and look around…this could probably cause him harm because of the blood oath.  

So I began to beg this lady. Find another man. This one has a wandering stick. How can you expect him to remain faithful to you when he has shown the world that he is incapable of being loyal in a relationship? 


You know someone’s weakness and you expect them to remain loyal despite that weakness? It’s like asking a cat to guard a fish…we all know what will happen. 

So I went to the girl’s family and pleaded, please tell your daughter to release my son from the oath. Nothing good will come out of this. 

They said it was out of their hands. That both are adults 


There was no fasting and prayer that I did not do. The girl refused. She said he is the love of her life. I said, “no, he cannot be if he has four women now who have children for him…can’t you see this one is the love of his own life?” 

People said I should let my son live his life, but these are people who wish him dead. I would rather have a son alive and doing his thing than have a dead one. 

I don’t want a dead son, ooo! 

That is what people asking Mama Tu-Face should consider. 

The woman is not saying Natasha is evil, she is just saying, biko, leave my pikin alone, he is not in his right senses, and he will self-destruct or destroy the family in the process. 

People should understand that a mother sees things from a different angle. 

As for my son and the new girl, they are still together but not together…you see what I am saying? 

When you introduce diabolic things into a relationship, you know you will both suffer the consequences.  

The words of elders, if they do not come to pass in the morning, they surely will by evening time. 

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