MUSIC…and all its power — Dave Chukwuji

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A few days ago, someone sent me a compilation of songs that turned 41 this year. It’s quite a list. It included such hits like “Don’t Look Any Further”, by Denis Edwards, “What’s Love Got To Do With it”, by Tina Turner, and “Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us” by McFadden and Whitehead amongst others.  

Listening to these songs took me back to my growing-up era, and I realized that these songs, apart from the memories they invoke, still move me. Quite unlike movies, music is timeless, and packs quite the endurance punch.  

While a classic film may be enjoyable to watch, it rarely evokes the same emotional response as a song from our past. Movies are often viewed as a passive experience, something we watch and then forget about. But music is different. It has a way of burrowing deep into our psyche, tapping into our memories and emotions in a way that few other art forms can.

When we hear a song from our past, it’s not just the melody or the lyrics that come flooding back – it’s the entire experience. We remember the people we were with, the places we were, and even the weather. Music has a way of encoding itself in our memories, of becoming inextricably linked with our experiences and emotions. This is why, when we hear a song from our youth, it can be like a punch to the gut, transporting us back to a time and place that may be long gone but still vividly alive in our minds.

Bob Marley, the legendary reggae musician, once sang about the power of music to transport us to another world. In his song “Trench town Rock,” he chanted, “One good thing about music when it hits you, you feel no pain.” And it’s true – music has a way of lifting us, of carrying us away on a tide of emotion and memory. 

Music transcends mere escapism; it’s a rich tapestry that weaves together our past, present, and future. As I immersed myself in a compilation of 41-year-old songs, I was struck by music’s profound ability to evoke emotions and memories. Each song, a tiny time capsule, bursting with the sights, sounds, and sentiments of a bygone era. Yet, music’s impact extends far beyond nostalgia. These classic tracks remain remarkably relevant today, their emotional resonance undiminished by time. While production styles may have evolved, the feelings and sentiments these songs capture remain timeless – a testament to music’s unique ability to capture the essence of the human experience.

As I delved deeper into the world of music, I began to realize just how complex and multifaceted it is. Music is not just a form of entertainment; it’s a way of communicating emotions and ideas, of telling stories and capturing experiences. It’s a way of connecting with others, of sharing in a common experience that transcends language and culture. And it’s a way of preserving our memories and emotions, of encoding them in a way that can be passed down to future generations.

In an age where technology is constantly evolving, where new forms of entertainment and communication are emerging all the time, music remains a constant. It’s a reminder of the power of human creativity, of the way that we can use art and imagination to capture and express our emotions and experiences. And it’s a testament to the enduring power of human connection, of the way that we can use music to reach out and touch each other, even across vast distances of time and space.

Music’s enduring power is a remarkable phenomenon. It captures and conveys emotions, experiences, and memories, bridging cultural and linguistic divides. Music is a universal language, a testament to human creativity and connection. So, the next time a song moves you, remember its profound ability to transport, evoke, and unite – a true testament to music’s transformative power.

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