NASRDA, ANA make call for science fiction writing

by Editor2
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The National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) in collaboration with the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) has made a call for creative content, to be posted on NASRDAโ€™s 20th anniversary website.

A statement by ANA PRO (South), Wole Adedoyin, said the โ€œsubmissions should have a Science, Astronomy, Space or Space-Science theme. Submissions can also be in poetry, prose, Science fiction, Non-Fiction, Paintings, drawing and film (documentary, musical, dramatic, etc.).โ€

A bio note, with contact information, should accompany all submissions and posting is not guaranteed. Shortlisted entries will appear on NASRDAโ€™s Special Celebratory Website-Slated to come online, any day now. Entries may be included in the digital and /or hardcopy versions of the Commemorative Anthology. This call for submissions is in celebration of NASRDAโ€™s 20th Anniversary to take place on May 5, 2019.

Interested writers can send their submissions to and

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