Nigerian cyclists off to Eritrea for African Cup (Guardian)

by Editor3
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An 11-member Nigerian cycling team last night left for Eritrea, where they will participate in the first ever African Cup from November 21 to 25, 2018. The team of five ladies, three men and three technical officials will try to use the competition to qualify for both the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games and the World Championship, as it serves as qualifiers for the competitions.

Cycling Federation of Nigeria (CFN) President, Giandomenico Massari said in Abuja yesterday that the federation had to bend backwards to finance the trip because of its importance to the aspirations of Team Nigeria ahead of the Tokyo Olympics and 2019/20 World Championships.

“The competition is the first of its kind in the continent. It is important we participate and qualify at this championship, because it is a point-scoring event for qualification to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the World Championship.

“For us, it is a must go event. It is for this reason that we have made sure that the team participate,” he said. Read more

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