Nmodu unveils Modus Operandum for strategic insight

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Modus Operandum, a new platform has emerged for strategic insight into issues in Nigeria’s national interest.

The platform was unveiled by its publisher, Mr Danlami Nmodu mni Wednesday, January 19.

According Nmodu, who is also the publisher/editor-in-chief of Newsdiaryonline, the new platform is dedicated to analysis, insightful opinions, reviews and reports on issues of public interest.

Nmodu, a Member of the National Institute (mni), said he has chosen to float this additional platform to give back to society the benefits of his training at the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Kuru, Jos, Plateau State.

“After reflecting on the investment in me, I believe I needed to float this platform for insightful analysis of national issues. Hopefully, Modus Operandum will emerge as a leading platform contributing towards policy papers and the policy briefs that may be relevant to public administration in Nigeria.

“Essentially, Modus Operandum, with url modusoperandum.ng, will for now remain accessible to the public,” Nmodu, who is currently the Deputy President Guild of Corporate Online Publishers (GOCOP), assured.

Nmodu said Modus Operandum will not be driven by the daily routine of breaking news, like Newsdiaryonline, which remains active and strong on news and others. However, the new platform will remain relevant and throw penetrating insight into relevant contemporary issues.

Areas of interest include health, public policy, election and democracy issues, anti corruption matters, defence security and diplomatic issues among other.

Analysis from Modus Operandum staff and renowned contributors will be served on a regular basis, the publisher said.

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