Of Christian BBL, cleavage and tattoos — Tara Aisida 

My attention was drawn to a trending topic on twitter headed “YouTuber and content creator Sophia Idahosa says she got a Christian BBL”. Apparently, the lady in question, Sophie Idahosa had some work done on her bum and when asked why she did so being a Christian, she retorted “ I got a Christian BBL “ which further confused her audience as most people were not even aware there is such a thing as a Christian Bum and Tuck procedure. The question on most people’s lips  (including mine) is was it Christian because it was done by a Christian surgeon or because Sophie is a Christian or did God tell her to do it thereby okaying the procedure?

That fire had hardly died down when Solomon Buchi a twitter relationship coach made some further classifications and defined Christian Cleavage as the cleavage that Christian ladies show in church berating the ladies that claimed what they did with the bodies was no body’s concern because God sees the heart and not our outward parts. 

Apparently from the discussions going on, there is such a thing as Christian porn, Christian flirting and a whole lot of categories hitherto unheard of. It reminded me of the furor that accompanied Televangelist Joyce Meyer who recently got a tattoo of a cross on her shoulder and one on her ankle and said she did it in honor of God and that every tattoo she had reflects how God redeemed and saved her.  By the way she also has done work on her body, particularly her face.

I would be the last to berate anyone for not conforming to what we think religious people who claim to have a personal relationship with God should look like, after all I presently have green hair having dyed my hair red, orange , blue and purple in the past. My issue and I dare say the issue for most people is why hide behind religion to do whatever you want to do with your body. Why claim it’s Christian or it honors God. In short, why give excuses for what you do. 

We are a very hypocritical people and it shows in how we deflect issues when we are clearly cornered and can’t think of a response to give to people. It’s a common joke that a fraudster will attribute his wealth to the grace of God when he and everyone knows what he does for a living. I don’t blame us for playing the God card because after all who can argue with God. I however blame us for not being able to chest our actions and accept them without proffering excuses, stupid ones at that. 

I should say that most times the reason why we feel a need to explain ourselves whether or not we are asked is because deep down inside we know it contradicts what we have put out as being true about ourselves in the past. It’s because we are guilty of having bashed other people that seemingly deviated in actions from their speech. 

It shows a lack of true conviction that we are right when we start to explain our actions to people and dare I say it is symptomatic of a low self worth and the need for acceptance from people. As Wikipedia puts it 

“The need to justify our actions and decisions, especially the ones inconsistent with our beliefs, comes from the unpleasant feeling called cognitive dissonance.[1] Cognitive dissonance is a state of tension that occurs whenever a person holds two inconsistent cognitions. For example, “Smoking will shorten my life, and I wish to live for as long as possible,” and yet “I smoke three packs a day.”

The true mavericks never make excuses for who they are. They do with themselves, whatever they feel comfortable with. A friend of mine said to me when he saw my hair color that it was unlikely that a responsible man would want to date me and though I pondered on his statement I never for once attempted to make excuses for the way I have chosen to express myself because I am not doing it for anyone else but myself, secondly, I am fully aware that what repels one person will attract the other. The truth is that it is not my business what people think of me, my only obligation is not to give them reasons to think badly of me, what they choose to think is entirely their choice.

I think the true scenario is that many of us have become matured enough to know that body enhancement surgery or tattoos are not sin and acknowledge the desire to change how we look but to admit that we really care about our bodies and how we look is carnal so we churn out stories of God didn’t say we shouldn’t, it’s Christian…..

My advice is do you and be bold about it.  Chest your actions, stop giving excuses for what you do especially when it does not offend anyone. 

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