Pet Shop Boys to release 1st new music for 2 years

by Editor3
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Pet Shop Boys are to release their first new music for two years.

The ‘Dreamland’ duo – comprised of Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe – have confirmed they will drop a four-track EP titled ‘Lost’, to accompany the 2023 edition of their yearly-released book ‘Annually’.

They wrote on Twitter: “Pet Shop Boys will be releasing their first new music for two years with the four-track CD EP, โ€œLostโ€, which accompanies the 2023 edition of Pet Shop Boys โ€œAnnually” book, available in April.

“The EP takes its title โ€œLostโ€ from the first song, โ€œThe lost roomโ€, but โ€œit also seems to represent a sort of larger, philosophical or political point, where there’ve been times recently where the world feels a bit lost in terms of the direction it’s going in. (sic)”

Both ‘Lost’ and the 2023 version of ‘Annually’ will drop on April 15th.

They tweeted: “The โ€œLostโ€ CD EP and the 2023 edition of โ€œAnnuallyโ€ will be released on April 15th and can be pre-ordered at the link below. (sic)”

In 2020, the pair credited their long career with “never” losing the “sense of playfulness” with their work.

Neil said at the time: “We have a lot of fun writing. There’s a lot of laughter.

“We are quite lucky really. I know most people in music have much more difficult relationships than we do.

“It’s not just like a job. It’s more playful than that. All creativity is out of a sense of play.

“Chris and I have never lost that sense of playfulness.”

Asked whether they have any creative differences, Neil insisted: “We can do what we want to do within Pet Shop Boys.” (MusicNews)

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