R Kelly still ‘bumping and grinding’ despite sexual abuse charge (Metro)

by Editor2
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R Kelly was reportedly paid $22,000 (£16,854) to make a one-hour club appearance in Illinois on Saturday, April 6.

The ‘Ignition’ singer, 52, is currently facing charges of sexual abuse, but is continuing his working commitments during the on-going investigation.

TMZ reports Kelly stopped by Dirty South Lounge in Springfield for a personal appearance. The publication claims he arrived at 10.30pm, but didn’t greet the crowd, believed to be around 50 people, until 2.30am.

Sources say Kelly was paid to appear at the club, not to sing, but belted out the opening line to his hit ‘Bump N Grind’ for fans.

They claim he pocketed $20,000 (£15,326) of his fee and gave $2,000 (£1,532) to his booking agent. Kelly had pleaded with the media to ‘take it easy’ on him ahead of his club appearance, explaining that he was there to make money. Read more

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