Sahara Group promotes Random Acts of Kindness, urges global participation

by Editor2
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Leading energy conglomerate, Sahara Group, has said “Random Acts of Kindness” will be its focus this February as the energy giant moves to promote spontaneous and thoughtful acts geared towards bringing energy to the lives of beneficiaries.

According to a statement, Sahara Group has since 2018 devoted the month of February to highlighting critical societal issues and amplifying the need for a relentless and collaborative approach towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in developing economies.

Nicolas Mignot, Chief Financial Officer, Sahara Energy Resources Int’l (Geneva), said the #RandomActsOfKindness campaign aims to make a difference by leveraging the positive impact of unplanned interventions on mental and physical health.

“February elicits so much excitement for us at Sahara as we ride on the prevalent love theme surrounding Valentine’s Day to lend our voice to issues that can transform and make the world a better place for everyone. We usually implement each year’s theme across our locations in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, sometimes working with regional and global partners. This year, we will be spreading Random Acts of Kindness with the sincere hope of transforming lives. We urge everyone to join us and share their acts of kindness moments with us on Twitter and Instagram by tagging @iamsaharagroup,” Mignot said.

Some acts of kindness that will feature during the month include promoting tree planting/water and energy conservation, sending surprise meals and gifts to health workers, sending thank you cards to teachers, reaching out to the homeless, orphanages, and Senior Citizens, volunteering to teach/mentor, giving monetary donations to support fledgling entrepreneurs and small businesses, and donating books, clothes, shoes and toys, among others.

Noting that the world could do with a “huge dose of kindness” as the fight against covid-19 pandemic continues, Mignot added: “this is a good time to light up downcast faces with smiles, pull up bowed knees with care and set dreams alight with generous giving. Regardless of how you choose to demonstrate your acts of kindness this February, Sahara is urging everyone to make this a way of life, leaving no one behind.”

In 2018, Sahara Group launched an initiative to shift the focus of Valentine’s Day from a one-day event to a month-long activity aimed at taking the celebration of love to the level of giving more attention to serious global issues.

The #GreenLove initiative was the maiden theme for 2018 and the focus was on promoting environmental preservation and protection. In 2019, #PinkLove campaign zeroed in on increasing cancer awareness. The 2020 campaign, #CleanLoveFeb targeted awareness creation and targeted messaging to people caught in the web of substance abuse.

Last year, Sahara celebrated #ReachOutThisValentine, urging concerted efforts towards cushioning the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and galvanizing more sustainable interventions through a “global coalition of responders”.

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