Sheriffs ask people to turn in wanted exes for Valentine’s Day

by Editor2
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Is your ex-boyfriend also a wanted ex-con?

Law enforcement officials in North Carolina are giving jilted lovers a chance to get in the Valentine’s Day spirit this weekend.

The Nash County Sheriff’s Office is promoting a “Valentine’s Day Weekend Special” on its Facebook page.

“Do you have an ex-Valentine and know they have outstanding warrants?,” the post reads.

“Give us a call… with their location and we’ll take care of the rest.”

As part of the romantic revenge, officials promise to provide a set of limited-edition platinum bracelets, free transportation with a chauffeur and a one-night minimum stay in “our luxurious (five-star) accommodations.”

The office says “operators are standing by!” to accommodate the special offer, which is described as “too sweet to pass up.”

Hundreds of people were tickled by the payback gag, posting comments like: “Not only does our county police force provide us with great service, they also keep us entertained. Thank you, NCSO!,” and “Did you mention a new outfit too.”Some commenters found the joke to be in poor taste, with one person commenting: “Who came up with this crap? Talk about tone death? Not surprised tho.” (NYPost)

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