Decades-old advice about alcohol has recently come under fire, with two recent studies suggesting that even a moderate drinking habit may raise the risk of early death. The latest study, published Wednesday in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research,…
How to deal with your World Cup Hangover in 5 easy steps (Huffpost)
It’s the morning after the night before, you’ve got the lyrics to Vindaloo stuck in your head and you are totally convinced you want to marry Gareth Southgate. Football might be coming home, but it is not going to be…
Bachelor’s Eve parties are for sinners – Dami Ajayi
It was a Thursday Night pretending to be a Friday Night. Why? Friday was a public holiday. You guessed right and there is just one standard Friday public holiday in the first quarter of the year. Good Friday? Yes, good. So…
Bringing Strategy and Planning to Nigeria’s Codeine Crisis Response – Nkem Akinsoto
Running an organization like SI4DEV which promotes research and evidence, I had been hearing from our partners who mostly operate at the grassroots about a type of substance abuse that many people in Nigeria were unaware of at the time:…