Musings on sleep and sleeping well Everybody falls asleep, right? Like eating and drinking, walking and talking, it is probably one of the things we take most for granted until we discover that people have different experiences with sleep. For…
Even moderate drinking raises your risk of stroke, finds study (Metro)
Even cutting down your alcohol intake may not completely protect you from the health risks of booze. It might be time to go teetotal. A new study challenges the belief that a drink a day could be good for you,…
Christmas, Africa and Christianising colonisation (NewAfrican)
Does Christmas, hollowed out of its spiritual aspect, have any relevance anymore? Perhaps it is time to return to the more substantial native beliefs that were flattened by a Christianising colonisation. Writes Kalundi Serumaga. The dominance of secular activities –…
Georgie of life -Oshoko Bushushu
When you are 14 and all you know about sex lies between your palms and your whatchamacallit, a woman’s naked body can be a wondrous thing. That Saturday afternoon is still as clear in my eyes as if it happened…
The Night I met an Angel in Lagos – Toni Kan
So, last week I promised to tell you about the night I met an Angel in Lagos. An Angel in Lagos sounds like an oxymoron, abi, like a virgin in a labour room, that kind of thing but truth is…