Divine Auta Suchet: Boy who stole the hearts of dignitaries
Let’s play a mind game! It is said that “the surest way to make your dreams come true is to live them… take action”. What if you have a dream,…
Let’s play a mind game! It is said that “the surest way to make your dreams come true is to live them… take action”. What if you have a dream,…
“Will you give me when I grow up?” The statement above would not make sense to you unless you witnessed what took place before that question. A little girl, begging…
MTN through its Foundation has launched a series of workshops to give students of the MUSON Music Scholars Programme a better understanding of the business side of their craft. The…
In its resolve to promote science and technology, and empower the blind in Nigeria, MTN Foundation has again awarded hundreds of Nigerian students studying in public tertiary institutions, scholarships to…