The Idibias: What has 2face done again? (Vanguard)

by Editor3
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During the early hours of Monday, 11th February 2019, Annie Idibia made a post on her Instagram story saying that the most important lesson is learnt the hard way with an Emoji ofโ€™ hands on the faceโ€™; which might portray that she was disappointed in something. Below her comment was a quote that saysโ€œbe picky with who you invest your time in, wasted time is worse than wasted money.โ€

This post wasnโ€™t meant to bring peopleโ€™s or her followerโ€™s attentionโ€™ as it could have been one of those random quotes we come across on Instagram and decide to just post/talk about it, but fortunately or unfortunately it did when her husband Innocent Idibia popularly known as 2baba, took to Twitter on Monday morning and tweeted โ€œ Iโ€™m sorry to say that I have f*cked up so much. I have f*cked up as a role model as a father and as a husband. Annie im sorry. I know u tried your best.โ€, a tweet he later deleted.

In a follow-up tweet he wrote โ€œsorry 4 disappointing anybody. Iโ€™m not asking 4 forgivenessโ€. Read more

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