The long, hazardous road to Nigerian Premier League games (Guardian)

by Editor2
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Football leagues all over the world thrive on a lot of travelling by teams, supporters and officials detailed to supervise the games. The bigger the number of teams and the larger the distance between the venues, the more kilometres the participants have to cover. In more advanced countries, moving from one venue to the other is not so much of a problem because there exists easy means of transportation across such countries.

Thus, teams in some parts of Europe, Asia and the Americas do not have to leave for match venues days earlier than the kick off date because they have easy means of getting to their centres. Such means of transportation as effective rail system, affordable aviation service and even smooth water transportation make it easy for teams to get to their destinations without much hassles. However, such is not the case for teams in most African countries, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, which do not have easy means of movement. Read more

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