A powerful cinematic adaptation of Wole Soyinka’s prison memoir, The Man Died, has earned a prestigious nomination for Best Feature Narrative at the upcoming 33rd Pan African Film and Arts Festival (PAFF) in Los Angeles. The film, which chronicles the Nobel laureate’s 27-month imprisonment during Nigeria’s civil war, will be screened on February 12 and 14 at the Culver Theatre in Culver City, California.
This nomination marks another milestone in the film’s remarkable journey, which has already seen it win accolades at the African International Film Festival (AFRIFF), the Eastern Nigeria International Film Festival (ENIFF) and the Luxor African Film Festival (LAFF). The film’s selection for PAFF, one of the most significant platforms for Black storytelling, underscores its growing global impact and resonance.
The 2025 edition of PAFF, themed “Dream Beyond,” continues its legacy as the largest Black film and arts festival in the United States. Founded in 1992 by Hollywood icons Danny Glover, the late Ja’Net DuBois and Ayuko Babu, PAFF has become a beacon for showcasing Black narratives from across the globe. This year, the festival will feature over 200 films from 40 countries, celebrating the richness and diversity of Pan-African cultures.
In a letter dated January 28, 2025, Miki Goral, PAFF’s Filmmaker Liaison & Research Director, expressed the festival’s enthusiasm for The Man Died: “I am happy to inform you that The Man Died has been nominated for the juried Best Feature Narrative at the Pan African Film Festival.” This recognition comes as the film makes its US debut, having previously screened in London, North Africa and other international venues.
Directed by Awam Amkpa and produced by Femi Odugbemi for Zuri24 Media, The Man Died is a poignant adaptation of Wole Soyinka’s harrowing account of his 27-month imprisonment during the Nigerian Civil War. The film delves into Soyinka’s psychological and emotional journey as he navigates the brutality of incarceration, finding solace in his mind and the written word.
The cast features a stellar lineup of Nigerian and international talent, including Wale Ojo as Wole Soyinka, Sam Dede as Yisa, Norbert Young as the Prison Superintendent and Christiana Oshunniyi as Laide Soyinka. Their performances bring to life the resilience and introspection that define Soyinka’s story.
The Man Died has been on an award-winning spree since its special premiere in Lagos in July 2024, held to commemorate Soyinka’s 90th birthday. At the 14th Luxor African Film Festival earlier this month, the film won “Best African Film That Tackles an Important African Issue,” a testament to its powerful narrative and social relevance.
Prior to Luxor, the film clinched Best Screenplay awards at both AFRIFF in Lagos and the Carthage International Film Festival in Tunis. It also won the Best Audience Choice Award at the Eastern Nigeria International Film Festival in Enugu. These accolades highlight the film’s universal appeal and its ability to connect with diverse audiences.
Beyond the festival circuit, The Man Died is set to continue its global tour with screenings at the Jo’Burg Film Festival in March 2025. The film is also being considered for special screenings at prestigious educational institutions, including Oxford University, New York University, Harvard University and Ithaca College. Additionally, it is under review by major global streaming platforms and international distribution channels, signaling its potential to reach even wider audiences.
Amkpa, a Nigerian-American professor of drama and film at New York University, brings a wealth of experience to the project. Known for his work in theatre, film and visual arts, Amkpa has crafted a film that is both deeply personal and universally resonant.
Odugbemi, founder of Zuri24 Media, is a veteran storyteller with over 25 years of experience in the creative industries. His portfolio includes acclaimed TV series like Tinsel and Battleground, as well as award-winning documentaries. Odugbemi’s commitment to authentic storytelling shines through in The Man Died, which he describes as a tribute to Soyinka’s enduring legacy.
The film adaptation captures the essence of Soyinka’s journey, offering audiences a glimpse into the mind of a man who refused to be silenced.
As The Man Died continues to captivate audiences worldwide, it serves as a reminder of the importance of storytelling in preserving history and inspiring change. Its nomination at PAFF is not just a celebration of cinematic excellence but also a recognition of the enduring relevance of Soyinka’s message.
For more information about The Man Died, visit: http://www.themandiedmovie.com.