The Way I See Things Today…by Gbubemi Atimomo

by Editor
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…My Thoughts on Almost Everything

“Gbubemi, you write very well, why don’t you write more often?”

If I got a dollar for every time someone has said this, I would be a thousandaire!!! To be honest, when people have made comments regarding my previous articles, I have often shrugged them off as politese.

I write as I feel. I write about the things that interest me, the things I am passionate or curious about. I strive to make my writing clear and understandable, relatable to whoever I perceive my audience to be. I find writing very therapeutic: it is one of the few chances I get (aside from brisk walking) to offload my thoughts and relax my mind. It offers me an outlet to express myself.

So, what is the answer to the question? Procrastination maybe, a little bit of laziness, and perhaps a healthy chunk of “the fear of people judging my writing”. A friend once said: “It’s because you don’t want to provide a window into your soul”. I thought that was quite deep. My drafts folder suggests I can write more often but first, baby steps.
I grew up reading many magazines: Reader’s Digest and Good Housekeeping were the most notable ones, and one of my favourite columns was Lois Wyse’s “The Way We Are” which she wrote for Good Housekeeping. She shared a lot of her everyday experiences, family life, interactions with people, how she viewed the world, and what she learnt from and about the world. Her column was a breath of fresh air and one of the things I loved most was that every article ended with the title of the column “….the way we are”.

What does this have to do with me or my writing? Well, I have decided to accede to the calls from fans who would love to read more of my writing by starting a weekly publication! I will share my thoughts on almost everything that comes to my mind (almost because some things should remain private, yeah?).

Whilst I do not claim mastery of every topic under the sun, I hold a healthy interest and curiosity for many things, so I will not limit my thoughts to specific areas neither will I be offering an expert’s opinion. Depending on what’s on my mind, what’s going on in the world, whatever looks attractive that’s been sitting in my drafts folder for yonks, or whatever else tickles my fancy, you will read from either myself or one of the other people in my “marble room” (you need to read Akwaeke Emezi’s Freshwater to get that reference).

My articles will be filled with a little bit of nostalgia here, a dash of human interest there, some of my random thoughts and pet peeves, a sprinkling of a reality check now and again, and a little something to get you thinking, and probably, doing. Maybe I can also spark conversation on trending topics or some of the issues I consider important? My overall intention is to lend my voice to society and inspire world peace (who am I kidding?) I have decided to call my ruminations “The Way I See Things Today”. I believe this title best captures my intentions as it would be about my view on whichever topics I share; my own “TWISTT” to the tale that is.

Join me once a week as I share my thoughts. If you haven’t already guessed it, just like Lois Wyse, I will be ending each article with the title of my publication because that is just… the way I see things today!

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