Why is Anambra state arresting Jesus? – PJ

by Editor
4 minutes read

You know him, Onyebuchi Okocha, aka Onyeze Jesus. Yeah, that very one who was arrested. Onyeze Jesus is the founder of Children of Light Anointing Ministries, in Nkpor, in Idemili North Local Government Area in Anambra state.

What did he do to deserve jail?

He promised heaven on earth.  (well, if he is jesus, he needs to make that promise, right?)

Well, this small Jesus told anyone who would believe in him that he would make them rich and add no sorrows; the only caveat to instant wealth, he says to converts and potentials, is that their hands should be doing “no evil,” barring that, he would help them, get rich…quick, of course. (ok, this isn’t what Big Jesus said, sha but let’s go on)

And with converts growing exponentially by the day, thronging small Jesus for a miracle, (isn’t that what this adulterous generation seeks?), understandably, some people began to panic.

The trending video attests to it, jesus is attracting the old and especially the young and they’re shamelessly ready to bare their bare buttocks to the world to bathe in muddy waters; they are all seeking one thing, wealth, instanta!

Do they have no shame? You might wonder. (Heck, the buttocks you see today, you shall see them no more; they would be clad in designer wears and bling that dazzle.)

But more to the point, half of what Jesus said in the video is greek to me, I don’t speak Igbo, however, I got an Igbo man to interpret for me. Upon understanding what I was watching, I still didn’t think him a threat that warranted jail; like Pontius Pilate, I found no evil in what the man has said and done. If I had my way, I would have him flogged and sent his way, that would be all the punishment he deserves as far as I am concerned and not a jail sentence!

Ok, so he got a few gullible people to bathe in the river while claiming he would give them wealth; we see him buttress his claim by spraying the water babies with crisp 50naira notes.

Who says 50naira notes a rich man maketh?

Still, I say this isn’t enough grounds to slam the man in jail; he said, in the video-“…I DOES not support any evil, I’m here to work, you that is speaking against me, the money you’re wasting in a club, is it not more than the 50naira I am spraying here…we are helping government because if we raise a billionaire, he will raise a community…”

But you see, this Jesus did not stop at just the ‘false pretenses” of assuring wealth, he was said to have promised to raise seven dead bodies to life!

The way I see it, this must have been why the government was alarmed!

If Jesus makes good his promise, then the Anambra government would be toppled in one day! No, make it the Nigerian state would be toppled!

But I ask again, is this enough grounds for jail?

I still say, no! The man may be a charlatan, a joker and the worst of his crime would be that he is blaspheming but you see, the God he is blaspheming against can do war by Himself!

Why fight for God?

Come to think of it; when has blasphemy become the state’s concern in Nigeria?

There have been more blasphemous prophets all over Nigeria in the past few years, why haven’t they been slammed in jail?

Why is Onyeze Jesus treated like a common criminal?

We have had many prophets say more heinous things, done more and they were never slammed in jail or was it because they had important personnel as followers?

What happened to all the herbalists and babalawos that were changing female panties to money?

What happened to all the prophets selling holy water and proclaiming cures that are unverified even on tv?

What happened to those promising healing and wealth that their gullible followers haven’t got to date?

What of the so called men of God calling Covid-19 a scam and therefore exposing their congregation to more harm? Why isn’t the state going after these people?

Biko, Onyeze, like many before him, has simply played on the gullibility of our people and methinks it will only be a matter of time before he is found out…or not. Depends on his expertise but he can only fool people for so long.

For as sure as Onyeze Jesus is right now cooling his heels in jail, another bar jonah is in the wilderness, awaiting  his turn to shine.

We will never be rid of them, these charlatans that disguise as true men of God, we can only hope that the state functions well enough to dissuade people who ordinarily are hardworking , from seeking instant wealth or short cut to success. The failure of the Nigerian state as a whole constantly frustrates its people, this is why Onyeze Jesus and his type will continue to spring up.

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1 comment

Bolanle Akanbi January 30, 2021 - 7:34 am

The level of poverty (or is it greed) driven gullibility is amazing! In the process, these ones will also freely carry water borne diseases go home. Chai! Nigeria we hail thee.


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