WISCAR to hold its 2018 Annual Leadership and Mentoring Conference (Guardian)

by Editor2
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There is a Chinese proverb that states: “Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand”.
As the year draws to an end, we are all drawn to evaluating our current situation, to assessing the progress made over the course of the year and to planning for the advancement we desire in the coming years. In charting the future, the greatest need is to bridge the gap between desire and actualisation, between setting and achieving goals and between the talk and the walk.

WISCAR (Women in Successful Careers) has become known for its bold initiatives aimed at helping to bridge that gap through its mentoring programme and an annual high-powered event for women who have chosen to pursue a career and be successful. WISCAR is a non-profit organization focused on empowering and developing professional women to contribute to development and nation-building in Africa.

The organization will be hosting its Annual Leadership and Mentoring Conference themed; ‘Enriching Lives By Telling Our Own Stories’ that aims to highlight the importance of role modelling and mentorship by successful women leaders as a gift to the next generation in national development.

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